IMPORTANT! This is a change from previous years. If you want to receive a gamemaster’s badge, you MUST preregister with the Gaming Director (John Grigsby) via the form below. He can be also contacted through this link. There will be NO at-the-door gamemaster passes. To get a gamemaster’s badge (free entry), you must volunteer to run at least 12 hours of games throughout the weekend. No exceptions! We love our gamemasters and want to welcome them to CoastCon, but this is necessary for bookkeeping.
CoastCon Gaming is proud to have the following sponsors:

Electronic Gaming sponsored by 81 TRW, Keesler AFB

12 PM – 4 PM: CYBERPUNK 2077: Gangs of Night City (Board Game)
Players take on the role of ruthless gangs vying for control of the underground in the glittering hellhole that is Night City. Only the boldest will be remembered, and your Street Cred will pave your way to the top. Will run as a teaching game, up to 5 players.
GM: Jason Stierle
Pregenerated characters will be porivded and must be used
12 PM – 6 PM: DUNGEONS & DRAGONS 5e (2024)
New to D&D? Learn to Play!
Never been the Dungeon Master? Learn to DM!
Adventurers are needed as guards for a caravan traversing the Black Road. This will be an open gaming format that will allow new players to drop in and out. Also, take your turn at Dungeon Mastering with the help and guidance of an experienced DM.
GM: Barry and Logan Favors
Pregenerated characters will be provided, but you may bring a level 1 character of your own
1 PM – 5 PM: PATHFINDER 2e – Friends in Need
The Tskikha iruxi enclave has long been a staunch ally of the Pathfinder Society. Their enclave’s location near some elementally-attuned Azlanti ruins has given the Society a wealth of research opportunities while allowing them to protect the iruxi from the dangers in the ruins, which have a tendancy to cause trouble. Recently they seem to have attracted some elemental scamps, which are causing michief and chaos throughout the enclave. The Tskikha have once again called upon their allies for help.
GM: Scott Wood
Pregenerated characters will be provided, but you may bring a Pathfinder 2e organized play character of your own of level 1-4
1 PM – 5 PM: STARFINDER – Shards of the Glass Planet
For millennia, Birnam’s Bubble has been a planet untouched by outsiders, fully encapsulated in an impenetrable shield of unknown energy and protected by powerful automated defenses. Through this barrier, explorers and surveyors have glimpsed pristine settlements, verdant flora, and inexplicable magical emanations—yet no fauna or citizens populate the world’s surface.
As in many other parts of the galaxy, the Drift Crisis changed everything. Now, the energy barrier surrounding Birnam’s Bubble cracks like shattering glass, and shards of this solidified energy have begun to fall through the atmosphere to the planet’s surface, causing significant destruction. Enter the breach and uncover the secrets of the lost civilizations of Birnam’s Bubble before they’re lost forever!
GM: Steve Johnson
Pregenerated characters will be provided, but you may bring your own Starfinder organized play character of level 1
2 PM – 6 PM: TBD
I’m down home for anything long as it is immersive engaging along with a rule of cool and a rule of fun. Teamwork and a good attitude and maybe a rare artifact of your choice.
GM: Owen Robinson
Pregenerated characters will be provided, but you may bring your own.
2 PM – 6 PM: PARANOIA 2e – Me and My Shadow Mark IV
Players are forced to guard an experimental new warbot from various threats, including but not limited to, communism, idiots, idiots of a higher rank than you, intentional sabotage from within, and [REDACTED].
GM: Jeff Chandler
Characters will be generated at the table, but you may bring your own RED security clearance character. Machine Empathy and SYbling Rivalry are prohibited.
3 PM -7 PM: DUNGEONS & DRAGONS 5e 2024 – Hunt for the Cursed Gem of Andarnan
Shifting politics have brought a race between factions to acquire a once lost artifact from a forgotten era. Players must negotiate the tension between the two groups and navigate both sides belief that the gem is theirs due to cultural significance. Choices must be made and the consequences will be widespread. Low level adventure designed for beginners.
GM: Perry Strehle
Pregenerated characters will be provided, or you may bring your own character of level 4 (2024 rules only, please)
4 PM – 8 PM: CALL OF CTHULHU (Modern Era) – Mirror, Mirror!
Fast paced horror with a touch of old school Call of Cthulhu!
GM: Mark Keller
Pregenerated characters will be provided and must be used
Come play the world’s most popular role-playing game!
GM: Lou Anna Claveau
Characters will be provided
Is an evolutionary tabletop game utilizing concepts from Warhammer 40K and Space Hulk. Genre is science fiction. Player(s) run a squad(s) of space marines vs alien genestealers and others in a space hulk derelict space ship.
GM: Steven Wiese
Pregnerated characters will be provided and must be used.
7 PM – 11 PM: PATHFINDER 2e – Year of Immortal Influence (Intro)
A new year comes for the Pathfinder Society, and what better way to start it off than by attending a fancy event? The Pathfinders find themselves invited to a charity dinner to benefit the Knights of Lastwall fighting in far-off lands against the lich king, Tar-Baphon. They’re not the only important Absalom-based faction there however, as the event is filled with lords and ladies and socialites of all kinds, including the Peacebuilders, a group dedicated to ensuring the Pathfinder Society pays for any of its mistakes. In the middle of dinner, evidence of a strange ritual is found and the Pathfinders must investigate before dinner becomes a murder mystery!
GM: Steve Johnson
Pregenerated characters will be provided, but you may bring your own Pathfinder 2e organized play character of level 1-4
7 PM – 11 PM: PATHFINDER 2e – Infernal Infiltration
Some disgruntled citizens in Kintargo, who preferred things under Chelaxian rule, have stolen into some very sensitive information concerning the Pathfinder Society’s trade dealings and routes. In the hands of enemies, this could put many agents at risk. Cheliax barely tolerates the Society on a good day, and if these thieves-who-would-be-spies can get the encrypted information into the hands of real Chelaxian intelligence operatives, Cheliax would likely relish its ability to do incalculable harm. It’s up to the PCs to infiltrate the thieves’ base of operations and steal the info back before these rabble rousers can send it off. Keeping things quiet will be key, though, as the heads of Supplies and Procurement definitely don’t want to tip them off to what they really have.
GM: Scott Wood
Pregenerated characters are provided, but you may bring a Pathfinder 2e organized play character of your own of level 1-4
Learn to play Never Going Home the nightmarish TTRPG set in World War 1. No previous experience is needed with the game or setting. Come enjoy the nightmares of war gone wrong as you come to the realization that you character is Never Going Home. (Content Warning: Themes of War, Violence, Gore, Body Horror, Death, Decay, PTSD, Mental Insanity, Sacrifice, and potential animal cruelty).
GM: Weland Bourne
Characters will be created at the table. This game contains mature themes.
7 PM – 11 PM: NARUTO NINDO (Homebrew)
When the countryside comes under attack from an unknown force, the shinobi of the Hidden Leaf Village send a crack team of ninja to assess the situation. And by “crack team” they of course mean a bunch of 12 year old’s fresh out of ninja training academy. Get ready to live out all of your anime ninja fantasies in this homebrew tabletop role playing game based off everyone’s favorite orange clad ninja. Will you save the people from certain doom or get burnt to a crisp in a fireball? You’ll be having fun either way!
GM: Ryan Carter
Pregenerated characters will be provided and must be used
Crew of the USS Endeavor on a routine mission to help evacuate a Xenoanthropology research station and blind.
GM: Randolph Allen
Pregenerated characters will be provided and must be used
7 PM -1 AM: Various wargames
Battle of Singapore (Bolt Action) – up to 4 players per game
Hypothetical Battle of Fort Maurepas (Blood & Plunder) up to 5 players per game
WW2 Air Combat (Blazing Hawks) -2 player vs 2 player air combat – 4 players per game
Battle of Khalkin Gol (Finest Hours,) – up to 4 players per game
GM: Robert Dyer
10 AM until: World War II
A high-level abstract game of World War II strategy allowing each player to govern the destinies of the belligerents of the war. Play consists of two warring alliances who are called upon to coordinate military, economic and diplomatic decisions to ensure victory. Rules exist to simulate the actual behavior of the belligerents.
Eight Players (grouping depending on player availability):
-The Axis (Germany, Italy, Japan) – Although widely separated, can they manage to link up and coordinate before being picked off separately?
-The Allies (The Soviet Union, the British Empire, France, the United States and China) – Can they coordinate enough with each other and the adversarial Soviet Union in order to fend off Axis aggressiveness and avoid defeat?
GM: Edward Payne
Pregenerated characters will be provided and must be used
10 AM – 12 PM: PATHFINDER 2e – The Dacilane Academy’s Show Must Go On
The Dacilane Academy often calls upon the Pathfinder Society to get them out of trouble, or to aid their students. Considering that many Pathfinders enroll their children in the academy, the relationship is one of mutual benefit. It’s therefore no surprise when the academy calls upon the Pathfinders to help make sure nothing terrible happens during the play that the students will be performing at a nearby theater, the Muse of the Rose. Recently, performances there have seen unfortunate accidents. No one has been seriously injured, but the performances were all ultimately ruined. It’s up to the PCs to ensure that the Dacilane Academy’s performance doesn’t suffer the same fate, even if the have to prevent disasters backstage during the show itself.
GM: Scott Wood
Pregenerated characters will be provided, but you may bring a Pathfinder 2e organized play character of your own of level 1-4
10 AM – 12 PM: PATHFINDER 2e – Falcon’s Descent
On the border between Isger and Andoran, the Pathfinder Society is called to action! Venture-Captain Brackett’s allies in the Eagle Knights of Andoran have requested aid with defeating a group of duergar slavers. Before these duergar can cause any more pain and suffering, Brackett hopes that the PCs and Lieutenant Evanno Pratt of the Eagle Knights’ Steel Falcons division can mount a pincer attack that will defeat the villains without allowing them to escape into the Darklands with their victims.
GM: Steve Johnson
Pregenerated characters will be provided, but you may bring your own Pathfinder 2e organized play character of level 1-4
Is an evolutionary tabletop game utilizing concepts from Warhammer 40K and Space Hulk. Genre is science fiction. Player(s) run a squad(s) of space marines vs alien genestealers and others in a space hulk derelict space ship.
GM: Steven Wiese
Pregnerated characters will be provided and must be used.
D20 game system one shot module. Which scenario will be determined by players experience.
GM: James Watson
Pregenerated characters will be provided and must be used.
The town of Cillamar’s children are being abducted by monstrous beings. All those who have pursued them into a strange icy cave, north of the city, have not returned. A call has gone out for heroes strong enough to brave the caverns and reclaim them.
GM: Jason Stierle
Pregenerated characters will be provided and must be used
10 AM – 6 PM: DUNGEONS & DRAGONS 5e (2024)
New to D&D? Learn to Play!
Never been the Dungeon Master? Learn to DM!
Adventurers are needed as guards for a caravan traversing the Black Road. This will be an open gaming format that will allow new players to drop in and out. Also, take your turn at Dungeon Mastering with the help and guidance of an experienced DM.
GM: Barry and Logan Favors
Pregenerated characters will be provided, but you may bring a level 1 character of your own
10 AM – 1 AM: Various wargames
Battle of Singapore (Bolt Action) – up to 4 players per game
Hypothetical Battle of Fort Maurepas (Blood & Plunder) up to 5 players per game
WW2 Air Combat (Blazing Hawks) -2 player vs 2 player air combat – 4 players per game
Battle of Khalkin Gol (Finest Hours,) – up to 4 players per game
GM: Robert Dyer
11 AM – 3 PM: CALL OF CTHULHU (Gaslight Era) – The Strange Case of the Shadow Traveler
As a member of the respected London Spiritualist Society, you have been hired by the management to investigate an incident that occurred three weeks prior which left one of the junior members dead and another institutionalized. You must ensure that the reputation of the society is maintained and deal with any lingering trouble that has been brought forth by this event.
GM: Linda Willhoite
Pregenerated characters will be provided and must be used
12 PM – 4 PM: CALL OF CTHULHU (Modern Era) – Mirror, Mirror!
Fast paced horror with a touch of old school Call of Cthulhu!
GM: Mark Keller
Pregenerated characters will be provided and must be used
12 PM – 4 PM: AGON – Randomized Islands
Players will be given an assortment of scenarios which test their resolve and their capabilities as a hero.
GM: Jeff Chandler
Pregenerated characters will be provided
Come play the world’s most popular role-playing game!
GM: Lou Anna Claveau
Characters will be provided
2 PM – 6 PM: PATHFINDER 2e – Menace Under Otari, Part 1
Players are tasked with investigating a mysterious threat lurking beneath the streets of the city of Otari, often involving fishy smells and a potential aquatic menace lurking in the depths below.
GM: Scott Wood
Pregenerated characters will be provided, but you may bring a Pathfinder 2e organized play character of your own of level 1
2 PM – 6 PM: PATHFINDER 2e – Rain Falls on the Mountain of Sea and Sky
Many newer agents are often sent to the Three Gates Lodge to make sure that the wildlife on the island isn’t out of control, and that the various allies that the Society made when claiming the lodge are rewarded for their continued aid. The tasks are routine, as the greatest threats were dealt with when initially setting up the lodge, and Venture-Captain Kukuha Mukai performed a ritual utilizing the ley-lines. This ritual is a form of powerful defensive magic and almost guarantees safety from all but the direst threats.
The PCs are the latest agents dispatched for this duty. Unfortunately for them, shortly after they arrive, so too does the direst of threats: a god dies, and a strange rain falls over the island, just as the PCs are being briefed. Now they have to deal with the literal fallout, as no one else is near, and no help can come for some time.
GM: Steve Johnson
Pregenerated characters will be provided, but you may bring your own Pathfinder 2e organized play character of level 1-4
2 PM – 6 PM: TBD
I’m down home for anything long as it is immersive engaging along with a rule of cool and a rule of fun. Teamwork and a good attitude and maybe a rare artifact of your choice.
GM: Owen Robinson
Pregenerated characters will be provided, but you may bring your own.
Is an evolutionary tabletop game utilizing concepts from Warhammer 40K and Space Hulk. Genre is science fiction. Player(s) run a squad(s) of space marines vs alien genestealers and others in a space hulk derelict space ship.
GM: Steven Wiese
Pregnerated characters will be provided and must be used.
3 PM -7 PM: DUNGEONS & DRAGONS 5e 2024 – Hunt for the Cursed Gem of Andarnan
Shifting politics have brought a race between factions to acquire a once lost artifact from a forgotten era. Players must negotiate the tension between the two groups and navigate both sides belief that the gem is theirs due to cultural significance. Choices must be made and the consequences will be widespread. Low level adventure designed for beginners.
GM: Perry Strehle
Pregenerated characters will be provided, or you may bring your own character of level 4 (2024 rules only, please)
One shot old school deadly.
GM: James Watson
Pregenerated characters will be provided, but you may bring a character level 7-9 (3.5e, 5e, or Pathfinder).
4 PM – 8 PM: CALL OF CTHULHU (1930s) – Cliff Canyon and the Dangernauts vs the Spider Queen of Mars
1934 Hollywood – The production of a sci-fi serial is about to be shut down due to scandal, so the investigators try to head off that scandal so they can save their jobs working on the set. Is it just a love triangle or something more sinister? And why does everything lead back to clues about diabolical lurking in the script of their latest film?
GM: Linda Willhoite
Pregenerated characters must be used and will be provided
6 PM – 10 PM: CALL OF CTHULHU (Modern Era) – Mirror, Mirror!
Fast paced horror with a touch of old school Call of Cthulhu!
GM: Mark Keller
Pregenerated characters will be provided and must be used
7 PM – 11 PM: PATHFINDER 2E – Menace Under Otari, Part 2
Players are tasked with investigating a mysterious threat lurking beneath the streets of the city of Otari, often involving fishy smells and a potential aquatic menace lurking in the depths below.
GM: Scott Wood
Pregenerated characters will be provided, but you may bring a Pathfinder 2e organized play character of your own of level 1
7 PM – 11 PM: PATHFINDER 2e – Silver Bark, Golden Blades
Silvertree Village is a small settlement within the Forest of Spirits, not far off the Spirit Road, the trade route tracing the southern coast of the forest. It’s a smaller river crossing, but often used when the larger Ohira’s inns are full, and some travelers even prefer using it. Or they did, until the found access to it cut off by a mysterious fog. Word has reached the Pathfinder Society of this strange phenomenon, and they have resolved to investigate and resolve the issue, as the Society has also had cause to use Silvertree when transporting relics between Hongal and Minkai.
GM: Steve Johnson
Pregenerated characters will be provided, but you may also bring a Pathfinder 2e organized play character of level 1-4
Learn to play Never Going Home the nightmarish TTRPG set in World War 1. No previous experience is needed with the game or setting. Come enjoy the nightmares of war gone wrong as you come to the realization that you character is Never Going Home. (Content Warning: Themes of War, Violence, Gore, Body Horror, Death, Decay, PTSD, Mental Insanity, Sacrifice, and potential animal cruelty).
GM: Weland Bourne
Characters will be created at the table. This game contains mature themes.
Renowned yet reclusive professor of history at Miskatonic University, Rudolph Crumberton, has passed away. Leaving no heirs and no will, the state has seized his estate and is holding an auction. Crumberton’s personal collection of tomes and artifacts will be up for sale. You are part of a group of eccentric collectors who have descended upon Crumberton’s mansion for the auction. What valuable treasures await you in this evening of decadence? Only the truly curious and brave will find out. This game may contain adult themes or language or strong violence.
GM: Ryan Carter
Pregenerated characters will be provided and must be used
10 AM – 2 PM: THUNDER ROAD VENDETTA: Carnival of Chaos (Board Game)
The race becomes a demolition derby – to the death! The expansions changes the game for the ultimate showdown to impress Turbo Tina, Mistress of the Carnival. This will be a teaching game for up to five players.
GM: Jason Stierle
Pregenerated characters will be provided and must be used
Learn to play Never Going Home the nightmarish TTRPG set in World War 1. No previous experience is needed with the game or setting. Come enjoy the nightmares of war gone wrong as you come to the realization that you character is Never Going Home. (Content Warning: Themes of War, Violence, Gore, Body Horror, Death, Decay, PTSD, Mental Insanity, Sacrifice, and potential animal cruelty).
GM: Weland Bourne
Characters will be created at the table. This game contains mature themes.
10 AM – 5 PM: Various wargames
Battle of Singapore (Bolt Action) – up to 4 players per game
Hypothetical Battle of Fort Maurepas (Blood & Plunder) up to 5 players per game
WW2 Air Combat (Blazing Hawks) -2 player vs 2 player air combat – 4 players per game
Battle of Khalkin Gol (Finest Hours,) – up to 4 players per game
GM: Robert Dyer
11 AM – 3 PM: CALL OF CTHULHU (1920s) – The Saturnine Chalice
A faulty fuel gauge leaves the investigators stranded on a lonely road. The nearest town is miles away, but there is a large house nearby. The occupants might have some fuel, or even a phone to call for assistance. What harm could come from asking?
GM: Linda Willhoite
Pregenerated characters will be provided and must be used
One shot old school deadly.
GM: James Watson
Pregenerated characters will be provided, but you may bring a character level 7-9 (3.5e, 5e, or Pathfinder).
4 PM – 8 PM: CALL OF CTHULHU (1930s) – Cliff Canyon and the Dangernauts vs the Spider Queen of Mars
1934 Hollywood – The production of a sci-fi serial is about to be shut down due to scandal, so the investigators try to head off that scandal so they can save their jobs working on the set. Is it just a love triangle or something more sinister? And why does everything lead back to clues about diabolical lurking in the script of their latest film?
GM: Linda Willhoite
Pregenerated characters must be used and will be provided
11 AM -3 PM: DUNGEONS & DRAGONS 5e 2024 – Hunt for the Cursed Gem of Andarnan
Shifting politics have brought a race between factions to acquire a once lost artifact from a forgotten era. Players must negotiate the tension between the two groups and navigate both sides belief that the gem is theirs due to cultural significance. Choices must be made and the consequences will be widespread. Low level adventure designed for beginners.
GM: Perry Strehle
Pregenerated characters will be provided, or you may bring your own character of level 4 (2024 rules only, please)
11 PM – 3 PM: PATHFINDER 2e – Upon Wheels and Rime
Within Irrisen, Queen Anastasia has spent the better part of a decade testing the boundaries of her rulership and seeing where she can and cannot make change. After enough research and discussion with fellow leaders, she’s finally decided full steam ahead on the first of many plans she has to help bring her new home to the forefront of Avistani politics. As an international organization of travelers, she’s called upon the Pathfinder Society for their opinions on the platform of her new venture, looking for insights from those who have to cross over wide landscapes, however her meeting with agents and contractors goes off the rails when a group of frost goblins looking to let off some steam launch an attack conducted by a disappointed fey. The Pathfinders will need to catch those goblins and defeat the fey in order ensure that Queen Anastasia’s plan doesn’t get derailed into the ground!
GM: Steve Johnson
Pregenerated characters will be provided, but you may bring your own Pathfinder 2e organized play character of level 1-4
Is an evolutionary tabletop game utilizing concepts from Warhammer 40K and Space Hulk. Genre is science fiction. Player(s) run a squad(s) of space marines vs alien genestealers and others in a space hulk derelict space ship.
GM: Steven Wiese
Pregnerated characters will be provided and must be used.
12 PM – 4 PM: PARANOIA 2e – Me and My Shadow Mark IV
Players are forced to guard an experimental new warbot from various threats, including but not limited to, communism, idiots, idiots of a higher rank than you, intentional sabotage from within, and [REDACTED].
GM: Jeff Chandler
Characters will be generated at the table, but you may bring your own RED security clearance character. Machine Empathy and SYbling Rivalry are prohibited.
Come play the world’s most popular role-playing game!
GM: Lou Anna Claveau
Characters will be provided
2 PM – 5 PM: TBD
I’m down home for anything long as it is immersive engaging along with a rule of cool and a rule of fun. Teamwork and a good attitude and maybe a rare artifact of your choice.
GM: Owen Robinson
Pregenerated characters will be provided, but you may bring your own.